Habitat for Humanity gives people the opportunity to live happier and healthier lives with stable, secure housing.
Having well-equipped housing is essential for reintegration. To start a new life in a house without any furniture does not help the transition between the street and the return to a daily life in an apartment. After years on the street, to have a stable and secure housing, allows people in exclusion to bounce back in life. Finding yourself in a dwelling can be a difficult because you have to learn how to manage your expenses or to carry out your administrative procedures... Some habits that can be lost when you are living in he streets. Thus, the persons accommodated in these units are accompanied in their reintegration by Habitat for Humanity.
With the help of employees Somfy, Somfy Oceania and the Somfy Foundation, it was ultimately a human and financial support that made this project possible to provide housing to those who needed it. Somfy Oceania employees are eager to work again with Habitat for Humanity and continue to support projects that can help to provide decent housing for the disadvantaged members of society in Australia.